There are many ways in which you can support us at North Wootton Village Hall. The Management Committee is a dedicated group of volunteers who give up their free time to maintain and let the hall, as well as organise the events and activities that take place in the Hall for the local community. We do not have a fundraising department, and as a Registered Charity we receive no funding from the Parish Council nor the Borough council – our only income is from hiring the hall as a venue and our own fundraising activities.
A big THANK YOU to those who already support us
We’ve been lucky enough to receive donations of time, money, goods, and services from individuals and local businesses also. We are touched by your generosity and are so very grateful – see who chose to support us here:
Your support is a lifeline…
Your support is vital for us to continue the maintenance and upkeep of the Village Hall; offering the Hall as a venue to be hired for celebrations, parties, workshops, and meetings; organising community events such as the Village Market, Bingo Nights, Quiz Nights, Christmas Fairs and Spring Fairs; and more. Any of the ways to support us listed below really do make a huge difference – many require no financial donations on your part.
Take a look at the ways in which you can support North Wootton Village Hall

Attend our events

Follow and interact with us on Social Media

Give As You Live

Amazon Smile

eBay for Charity

Recycle4Charity Inkjet Cartridge Recycling

DontSendMeACard Greeting Card Alternative

West Norfolk Wins
Your Business can Support Us Too…
Businesses and organisations are becoming more and more aware of their social and community responsibilities and getting involved with local charities is increasingly becoming part of corporate aims.
The benefits aren’t just for us either! By supporting North Wootton Village Hall, your business or organisation could:
- increase your visibility to a wider audience (our events regularly attract large numbers of local people, and we actively use social media, email marketing, and printed marketing which could mention your organisation);
- improve its image and reputation (position yourself as an ethical organisation and differentiate yourself from your competitors);
- find networking opportunities (we have worked alongside many local businesses during the refurbishment of the village hall, local businesses and organisations hire the hall, and some of our Management Committee members have businesses themselves);
- feel good (knowing your business has made a positive impact on the local community is highly rewarding).
See how your business can support North Wootton Village Hall
There are many other ways in which your business can support us here at North Wootton Village Hall including holding a fundraiser at your workplace, or donating your time and expertise in helping us with a particular project. If you think you can help us in any way, please get in touch using the form below. Thank you.