Something as simple as selling items on eBay can help support North Wootton Village Hall. If you buy or sell on eBay you can select North Wootton Village Hall as your favourite charity and donate part of your profits or add a donation to your purchase.
How does eBay for Charity work?
eBay is undoubtedly the world’s most popular auction site, bringing buyers and sellers together from around the world, allowing you to make money from selling your unwanted goods or collectibles. You can now sell goods on eBay and donate to North Wootton Village Hall at the same time. Anyone selling on eBay can list an ‘eBay for Charity’ item and choose to donate between 10% and 100% of the final sale price to their chosen charity. What’s more, eBay will donate the same percentage of the final value fee in addition to this.
Don’t forget to Gift Aid it!
Tick the ‘Gift Aid’ box when you list an item and so long as you pay more in UK income or capital gains tax than you’re asking charities to claim back in each tax year, PayPal Giving Fund will collect an additional 25% Gift Aid from the government and pass it on directly to North Wootton Village Hall.
More help
eBay has a website dedicated to the eBay for Charity scheme which can be found here:
Other ways to support North Wootton Village Hall
Buying and selling through online auctions is not the only way to support North Wootton Village Hall. Everyday shopping can also help – see our Give as you Live page for more information.